The edition of the Spenerbriefe consists of a total of five modules, of which the three modules Frankfurt period, Dresden period and Berlin period contain the writings of Speners from the respective periods and the correspondence modules August Hermann Francke and Adam Rechenberg reproduce the correspondence.
You can also get more information about previously published volumes. Following an “embargo”, the volumes are being offered as PDF open access via Qucosa in partnership with the SLUB Dresden.
We have also compiled an overview of the published reviews of our edition volumes for you. A Spener bibliography from 1705 can be found here.
Details on our working method provide insight into our work.
News concerning our activities is found in our Blog.
The blog “in eyl abfast. Remarkable from the letters Philipp Jakob Speners (1635-1705)” at presents results of the research for the edition, which was only partially incorporated into the comments, and wants to stimulate further research.