The Edition includes three indexes:
a) of persons
b) of places
c) of Bible passages
d) of subjects (only in the last volume of a module).
a) The Index of Persons records the appearances of all persons identified by name. Along with historical and fictitious persons (from mythology, for example), this also includes confessional groups (Papacy, Roman-Catholic Church, Reformed, Calvinists, Lutherans, etc.). Corporations are found under the name of the seat of their headquarters in the Index of Places. Noble persons are listed under the name of their house, not under their personal names.
Not listed are persons who cannot be identified by name, epithets (the Mother Church, for example), and biblical persons when they are mentioned only in connection with a certain biblical passage; in this case, they are accessible in the Index of Bible Passages. Also not listed are modern authors (printed in small capitals in our Edition, with the exception of the bibliographies) as well as the editors of the old lexica of learned persons.
Spener’s correspondents are listed in semi-bold print along with the appropriate letters (letter numbers!). The letters sent to unidentified recipients are found under the letter N. Just as Ph. J. Spener is not listed in the index, so also are his correspondents when they are mentionedin the letters sent to them.
The page numbers are placed to the right if the person concerned is mentioned in the letter text itself; when a name is found only in the commentary, or the identification of the person is uncertain, the name is placed in italics.
b) In the Index of Places actual localities are listed as well as persons and groups of persons determined by geographical names, that is, localities (Dresden, for example), provinces and states (County of Hessen-Darmstadt, for example), but also peoples (the English, Russians) and corporations (University of Wittenberg). Excluded are the numerous place names in the notes, above all the places of study mentioned in the biograms and the places of publication of contemporary literature.
Otherwise, the conventions in the index of persons apply: the places of residence of the correspondents are printed in semi-bold type along with the appropriate letter numbers; the appearance in the letter text is printed to the right; the appearance only in the commentary is noted in italics (applies only to persons or groups of persons identified by localities). The cities of Frankfurt and Dresden were listed only when Spener speaks of specific events taking place there (the plague, or visitors, etc.).
c) The Index of Bible Passages records the biblical texts explicitly cited by Spener, as well as the biblical figures of speech and allusions used by him, in so far as these are shown in the notes.
d) Each faculty booklet of each module is accompanied by a subject index for all volumes of the module.
The Key to the Printed Collections of Spener’s Reflections and Letters is a help in finding letters in the present edition that previously were cited according to older editions of these letters.