Philipp Jakob Spener (born January 13, 1635 in Rappoltsweiler, Alsace, † February 5, 1705 in Berlin) was a German Lutheran theologian and one of the most famous and influential representatives of Pietism. His main work Pia Desideria or heartfelt desire for godly improvement of the true evangelical church he wrote in 1675. In it he proposes a comprehensive reform program of the Lutheran Church.
More about the biography of Philipp Jakob Spener can be found here.
A bibliography about Philipp Jakob Spener can be found here.
- Printings by and about Philipp Jacob Spener in the VD 17
- Literature by and about Philipp Jacob Spener in the catalog of the German National Library
- Works by and about Philipp Jacob Spener in the German Digital Library
- Ph. J. Spener in the German Text Archive
- Ph. J. Spener in the GESA catalog of German-speaking funeral sermons
- Paul Tschackert: Spener, Philipp Jakob. In: ADB 35, pp. 102–115.
- Johannes Wallmann: Spener, Philipp Jakob. In: NDB 24, pp. 659–661.
- Klaus-Gunther Wesseling: Philipp Jacob Spener. In: BBKL 10, Sp. 909–939.
- Ph. J. Spener in the database of individual manuscripts in the historical archive departments of the Studienzentrum August Hermann Francke in the Francke Foundations in Halle
- Ph. J. Spener in the Frankfurt Person Lexicon
- Ph. J. Spener” in LCA – Leibniz’s Correspondents and Acquaintances
- Ph. J. Spener at Wikipedia
- Ph. J. Spener at Wikimedia Commons
- Ph. J. Spener in the Encyclopaedia Britannica
- Ph. J. Spener in Большая российская энциклопедия
- Ph. J. Spener in the Index Theologicus
- Ph. J. Spener in the digital portrait index Early Modern Age
- Ph. J. Spener in OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe)