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- 13. January 1635 – Born in Rappoltsweiler, Alsae (County of Rappoltstein)
- 11. September 1648 – Matriculation in the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Strasbourg
- Private instruction directed by the Rappoltstein Court Preacher Joachim Stoll
- 1650/51 – Private instruction in Colmar
- 2. May 1651 – Studies at the University of Strasbourg
- 17. March 1653 – Philosophical disputation in qualification for theMaster’s degree Philosophema, De conformatione creaturae rationalis ad creatorem, Thomae Hobbei ejusque hyperaspistis quibusdam ψευδογραφήμασι magna ex parte oppositum Beginning of historical studies with Johann Heinrich Boecler
- 14. June 1654 – Beginning of theological studies with Sebastian Schmidt and Johann Conrad Dannhauer
- 1654-1656 – Private tutor for Christian and Johann Carl, Rhenish Palatine Counts
- 23. June 1659 – Conclusion of theological studies in Strasbourg
- 1659/60 – Hebrew studies with Johann Buxtorf d.J. in Basel
- 1660/61 – Extended travels through Europe, including Geneva
- May-October 1662 – Journey to Württemberg
- 16. March 1663 – Preacher without pastoral duties at the Strasbourg Minster
- 15. June 1664 – Theological disputation in qualification for the Doctor’s degree Muhammedismus in Angelis Euphrataeis S. Johanni Apocal. IX., V. XIII & seq. praemonstratus
- 23. June1664 – Awarding of the degree of Dr. theol. and marriage to Susanna Erhardt, daughter of a Strasbourg patrician family
- 20. July 1666 – Appointment as Senior Pastor of the Predigerministerium (council of pastors) of the Free Imperial City of Frankfurt am Main
- Early August 1670 – Foundation of the Frankfurt Collegium pietatis
- 1674 – New edition of Johann Arndt‘s Vier Büchern von Wahrem Christentum
- 24. March 1675 – Preface to the new edition of Johann Arndt’s Evangelienpostille
- Fall Trade Fair 1675 – Separate edition of the preface as: Pia Desideria oder Hertzliches Verlangen nach gottgefälliger Besserung der wahren evangelischen Kirche, sampt einigen dahin einfältig abzweckenden christlichen Vorschlägen
- 1682 – Separation of Saalhof Pietists from Spener‘s congregation
- July 1686 – Senior Court Preacher for the Saxon Elector Johann Georg III. in Dresden
- Spring 1687 – First meeting with August Hermann Francke
- February 1689 – Conflict with the Elector Johann Georg III.
- June 1691 – Provost and Counsellor of the consistory at St. Nikolai church in Berlin
- 1693 – Chiliasm Dispute
- 1697/98 – Berlin Confessional Dispute
- 1698/99 – Spener’s withdrawal from all controversies, concentration on publication of the Theologische Bedencken
- 5. February 1705 – Death in Berlin and burial in the cemetery of St. Nikolai