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- Research Centre Spenerbriefe Edition
Franckeplatz 1 | Haus 24
D – 06110 Halle
Short biography:
- born in Querfurt (Saxony-Anhalt)
- Education and activity as catechist / congregational assistant
- Study of theology in Halle, Leipzig, Neuendettelsau and Amsterdam
- 1998-2006 holder of a scholarship from the Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst
- 2006 First Theological Examination and work in the Excellence Network “Aufklärung-Religion-Wissen” (since 2007 Research Associate)
- 2012 Ordination as pastor in the Evangelical Church in Central Germany (EKM)
- Research associate at the Saxon Academy of Science in Leipzig in the project »Edition der Briefe Philipp Jakob Speners«
Publications (selection):